
Revision as of 16:20, 29 January 2018 by ARt)Y (Talk | contribs) (update league guide)

Revision as of 16:20, 29 January 2018 by ARt)Y (Talk | contribs) (update league guide)


DotA In-House League

What is DIHL?

ENT's DotA In-House League (DIHL) is a vouch-based DotA league for skilled players who want to play competitive games with a fair set of rules.

How to join

To maintain a competitive, friendly gaming environment, DIHL requires that all players be vouched in order to participate in the league. This means that the league recognizes you (namely, your account) as a skilled, mannered player who deserves to play in the league.

To get vouched, please use the following format and post on the forums here. Seasoned players will respond to your post with whether or not they think you should be vouched.

Players with at least 10 DIHL games will be allowed to support your vouch request. Players with at least 100 games (considered ‘DIHL Veterans’) can support your vouch request with more weight (see below).

A new league player, on top of providing the required information on the forum, should hold up to these requirements in order to be officially vouched:

  • If you have 1200+ elo and positive KDR in the public ENT11/ENT38 DotA bots, then you will need support by 1 DIHL Veteran or support from 3 DIHL Players.
  • Otherwise, must be supported by at-least 2 DIHL Veterans, or by 5 DIHL Players.
  • Must have a Discord Account and willing to actively use it for potential DIHL games.
Note: The vouch may be done informally first in order to allow a new player to participate right away, but must be formally documented in the forums.

If you do not meet the above requirements to be officially vouched, then you will be eligible for a trial period if you meet the following requirements:

  • If you have 1200+ elo and positive KDR in the public ENT11/ENT38 DotA bots, then no support is required, we will automatically approve your request for trial.
  • Otherwise, your trial must be supported by at least 1 DIHL player.

For those on a trial, the trial period will be for 5 games. Any time during this period, 5 DIHL vouched players can come to an agreement to kick the trial player from games and he or she must await one month to retry for the league. The reason for denying the vouch should be posted in the forums. After your trial-period, then the normal vouching requirements will apply.

Players are recommended to use Discord as a method of team communication. Ask the other players or a mod for help with using Discord. You can access the ENT Discord here.

The ENT Discord channels dedicated to DIHL are #dihl-news, #dihl-games and #dihl-chat. For more information, feel free to send questions to DIHL Staff on ENT's Discord.

Players are also recommended to install GProxy to help prevent disconnecting from the game. It is simple to install and can be obtained here.

The game name will be posted in Discord (channel #dihl-games). Feel free to join the game at any time. If you are not a vouched player, feel free to come and ask questions or even observe the game. Games are usually hosted around 7 PM eastern time, and throughout the night.

DIHL currently uses the following version of DotA: DotA 6.83d-fixed.w3x.


There are a handful of seasoned DIHL players that are allowed to start DIHL games (the games are not auto-hosted like the ENT dota apem/arem games). Once some of the DIHL players logon to bnet and it looks like we may have a chance at filling a game, someone will host a game and then wait for it to fill (feel free to ask other DIHL players if they want to inhouse to get games going if they are not already). The person hosting the game is considered the Game Owner, but please be aware that this person might not be a DIHL Mod. The Game Owner may not kick, ban, or mute a player. If you feel like a Game Owner is abusing his powers, please report that to a DIHL Mod and that particular player may lose rights to host games and could be subject to removal from the league.

Joining the Game


The general EntGaming:Rules apply to the DIHL, unless abrogated by the specific rules below. For the forum, the general EntGaming:ForumRules are to be followed. Violating any rule can result in disciplinary actions including verbal warnings and temporary or permanent bans from DIHL games and/or ENT games.
As a league, our standards and expectations are higher than pub games. We expect players to be strong in both gaming and mind. Therefore, all players should respect their mates and the games they share.
Note that these rules are subject to at minimum a temporary unvouch and at maximum a permanent unvouch depending on the number and extent of the offense. Note that your record of wrongdoings will be cleared at the beginning of each season, except for permanent unvouch(s).
  • Listen to your captain when they assign courier buyer, wards buyer, lane allignments and/or aegis.
  • Do not use the !ignore function on your teammates.
  • Excessive and intensive flamming
  • Leaving: Do not leave before game has been forfeited, won, or drawn.
  • Disconnections: All players in the league must be using gproxy. If a player disconnects within 10 minutes of the game, game should be drawn. Else, a game can be drawn if both captains agree to draw the game.
  • Losers from last game played will have to give-up their sit for the upcoming game if necessary.
  • Stats will reset at the end of every season/cycle.

Screenshot Procedure

  1. A DIHL moderator pauses the game or whispers a user ingame to do so.
  2. Once the game is paused, do not unpause until all players successfully has shot a screenshot. Press the "Print Screen" button to take a screenshot.
  3. Make sure that the screenshot file is in .tga format (file located at Warcraft III/Screenshots folder) and that it came out correctly.
  4. Go on ENT forum and send a Private Message with your ss file attached.
    • Compose a new PM.
    • Select "DIHL Moderators" from the groups on the right side and press the "Add" button.
    • As subject (pm title), put the date and your name.
    • As body (pm content), write whatever you want.
    • On the bottom, press "Select file", select your saved screenshot and press the "Add the file" button.
    • Send off the private message by pressing "Submit".
Alternative SS Tutorial (click)


Depending on which OS version and which bit version you are running, the file paths will be different:

  • For Windows 7, ss file can be found: C:\%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Warcraft III\Screenshots (64-bit) / C:\%PROGRAMFILES%\Warcraft III\Screenshots (32-bit)
  • For Windows 8, ss files can be found: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Warcraft III\Screenshots or C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\%PROGRAMFILES%\Warcraft III\Screenshots or C:\%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Warcraft III\Screenshots or C:\%PROGRAMFILES%\Warcraft III\Screenshots
    To unhide hidden files (which is the case for the AppData path, follow this guide).


The league is administered by EntGaming:Staff#DIHL_Moderators.