
Revision as of 14:48, 2 March 2016 by ARt)Y (Talk | contribs) (updated)

Revision as of 14:48, 2 March 2016 by ARt)Y (Talk | contribs) (updated)


Legion TD In-House League

What is LIHL?

ENT's Legion TD Mega In-House League (LIHL) is a vouch-based Legion TD Mega league for skilled players who want to play competitive in-house games with a fair set of rules.

Auto-balanced games are hosted after enough players (8 , 6 or 4, depending on the desired game size) sign for a game. Meeting point is the Warcraft 3 channel "Clan LIHL" on Azeroth/USEast, so you must have an USEast account to be able to play in LIHL.

Getting vouched

To play in LIHL, you must be vouched. To begin the process of being vouched, please post a topic in the Vouch Requests forum with the title account@east and the following format below. Within a five days window, at least five vouched players or a moderator must vouch for you in order to get your application approved for a trial period (only vouches vouching for one's LTD skill/knowledge will be counted; other comments will be considered as feedback). However, if five vouched players or a moderator deny your application with legitimate reasons, your application will be denied. Make sure to read the LIHL Guide on the wiki before applying as it describes important procedures. It is recommended that you observe several LIHL games during your application.

   [b]Tell us what other previous league or in-house experience you have:[/b] 
   [b]Provide a list of aliases. These are names that people might recognize you as:[/b] 
   [b]If possible, provide a list of LIHL players who might know you or that you are acquainted with:[/b] 
   [b]Do you have Gproxy installed?[/b]
   [b]Attach at least two LTD Mega 3.41 1200+ game replays (one as yolo, other as a holder) that represent your skill (do not provide replays where you go cross-build, double-build or aura swap as these tactics are not allowed in LIHL):[/b] 
   [b]Take a random wc3 screenshot, attach it, and private message it to recipient “LIHL Moderators” (LIHL Guide -> SS-Test): 
   [b]Any additional information that you would like to provide:[/b]

How to start a game?


  1. Join the ENT LIHL clan channel on useast.battle.net (Azeroth) by searching the channel or typing /j clan lihl at any wc3 channel..
  2. The first player types: !start
  3. The others type: !sign (to join the game).

Once enough players have signed and all slots are taken, teams will be auto-balanced based on ELO and the game name will be announced in the channel and hosted immediately.


  • The game owner, selected as the highest ELO player, can be identified via the brackets in the signed player list.
  • The highest ELO users are also automatically placed as Red (Team 1) and Yellow (Team 2).
  • To start the game, the game owner has to type: !start


  • Observer slots are enabled by default. Any unsigned user will automatically placed as an observer.
  • After each game, stats will be updated within five minutes. Bot's vouched player list is also updated once every five minutes.
  • Stats will reset at the end of every season/cycle.
  • The 1st place season ranked player will be awarded $20 and an ingame spoof.



The general EntGaming:Rules apply to the LIHL, unless abrogated by the specific rules below. For the forum, the general EntGaming:ForumRules are to be followed.
Violating any rule can result in disciplinary actions including verbal warnings, temporary & permanent bans from LIHL games and/or ENT games.

Game Modes

  • The default game mode is -hpgmcb with prophet builder.
  • Other game modes can be chosen if all players have agreed to play the mode.
  • If red (slot 1) fails to choose a mode (where the default mode is -ap), then all must choose the prophet builder or !draw the game.


  • You may only play official lihl games with a !signed and vouched account.
  • If you are !signed to a game, you must join it and must not go afk for extensive periods of time.
  • Once a game has been hosted, all players are required to play the game out until one of the kings dies.
  • Unsigning during player drafting is forbidden.

Build Provisions

  • All players must solo build: build only on own lane and cannot build a tower that will attack and pull a creep from the opposite lane.
  • You are only allowed to build 1 tower space into the dark green area, no further.
  • If a player pulls creeps while not building at dark green area, whether to be punished or not will depend on a moderator's per case judgement. If pulling continuously happens due to a tower, it should be sold immediately.
  • Do not build over 120 value of delay towers.
  • Do not intentionally split towers to delay leaking on a level you have sent.


  • If a player disconnects prior to ending of level 20, it is mandatory to !draw the game, unless every player agrees to play on.
  • If a player disconnects after level 20, then !draw is optional.

Leave and Disconnection

  • Dropping player(s) is not permitted.
  • If a player leaves or disconnects during a game, a "Leave and DC penalty" will be enforced. The player who left will be penalized with -18 elo if have gproxy or -21 elo if does not have gproxy, whereas the remaining players will gain +3 elo for their playing time.
  • Leave and DC penalty will only be applied if the game was successfully drawn, reported within 24 hours on the forum by one who played the game, and once approved by a moderator.
  • Do not leave the game before the King has died since leaving shortly earlier can result in bugged stats.

No Heals and Double-Healing

  • Do not refuse to heal or attempt to double heal intentionally to teamkill.
  • Even if one "thinks" the game is over, players should always heal, unless the game was clearly over on the same level the heal was needed.


  • When pausing, a player should always inform everyone why he is doing so and for how long. The game can always be paused upon a moderator's request to do a screenshot test.
  • Do not unpause unless every player is ready.
  • After a player has been away from the keyboard longer than 5 minutes (use !afk to check), he can be kicked without question.
  • The use of pause is not allowed to discuss strategies.
  • Do not pause the game in an attempt to hinder the gameplay. For example, to prevent someone from healing the king or to prevent the opposing team from sending.

Anti-Stuck / Bugs & Glitches

  • All anti-stuck usage is prohibited, unless creeps are actually stuck.
  • Any exploitation of game mechanics which results in a glitch or bug is forbidden.

King Juggling

Every form of juggling exploiting king's attack mechanics to gain more time and resources is banned (attacks should generally be smooth and not intentionally interrupted).

  • Do not juggle the king preventing him from attacking or killing units.
  • Do not change the king's target to delay killing, except to multi-kill with king skill after or to kill higher priority targets such as sent units or low hp units.
  • Do not re-select target(s) to cancel king's attack animation and repeat.
  • Do not toggle king's autocast on and off.


  • All players must be in the game before any swaps are made.
  • All players must agree to the swap.
  • Any flaming/abuse/'convincing' with regards to getting a player to agree will not be tolerated.
  • Players have the right to disagree at any time, meaning that if a player agrees in the channel, then he does not need to agree in the lobby.
  • Trial players can never be swapped, so they all end up on the same team.


  • One veto is enough to reject a player from observing a game, however, the observer spot may not be denied to moderators or players who were not yet vouched before.
  • If the observer refuses to leave the lobby despite being vetoed, votekick him or draw and rehost the game.
  • Observers are prohibited from voting, commenting on strategies, and ghosting.
  • Observers may not ping under any circumstances.
  • If a player wishes, he may pause the game without hindering gameplay and request the game owner to !mute the observer(s) at any time.


  • The use of !start force is forbidden to prevent bugged stats.
  • Do not abuse !owner commands (!mute, !swap, etc.)
  • Do not !ignore more than 1 teammate. Doing so will mean that you refuse to communicate and teamwork.


Required Description
!start / !start3 / !start2 Starts a new 4vs4 / 3vs3 / 2vs2 game (only if there is not already a current one).
!sign/ !sign3 / !sign2 / !unsign Sign in / Sign out to the current game.
!votebalance Initiate a vote to autobalance players in lobby based on elo before countdown.
Miscellaneous Description
!players Shows the currently signed players.
!stats Shows your stats.
!active Shows vouched players who are online.
!isvouched <username> Checks whether <username> is vouched.
!unbanme If you were banned from channel for not being vouched earlier, this will unban you (/w ENT.LIHL !unbanme).
!invite Receive a clan invitation.
!top / !bot Lists the users with the highest/lowest ELO scores in the league.
!compare <user a> <user b> Compares two players to see their wins/losses together/against.
!games Gets the last game name.
!info <game name> Lists the players who are playing in that particular game.
!lp / !lastplayers Lists the players of the last hosted game.
!notify X Notifies you when X people sign (!unnotify to stop notify).
!status Displays your sign status (which game you signed for, if any).
!channel Displays the current LIHL channel (if Clan LIHL is flooded).
!active Lists all vouched players who are currently online.
!challenge <username> Challenges <username> to a 4v4 challenge game.
!challenge3 <username> Challenges <username> to a 3v3 challenge game.
!challenge2 <username> Challenges <username> to a 2v2 challenge game.
!accept Accepts a challenge game.
!reject Rejects a challenge game.
!draft <username> Adds a user to your team during the drafting phase.
In-Game Description
!start Starts the game (owner only).
!swap X Y Swaps player X with Y (owner only).
!scores Displays the ELO of both teams.
!ihs Shows your stats.
!ping Displays players' pings (owner only).
!votekick name Initiate a votekick on a player for breaking rule(s).

Screenshot Procedure

  1. A LIHL moderator pauses the game or whispers a user ingame to do so.
  2. Once the game is paused, do not unpause until all players successfully has shot a screenshot. Press the "Print Screen" button to take a screenshot.
  3. Make sure that the screenshot file is in .tga format (file located at Warcraft III/Screenshots folder) and that it came out correctly.
  4. Go on ENT forum and send a Private Message with your ss file attached.
    • Compose a new PM.
    • Select "LIHL Moderation" from the groups on the right side and press the "Add" button.
    • As subject (pm title), put the date and your name.
    • As body (pm content), write whatever you want.
    • On the bottom, press "Select file", select your saved screenshot and press the "Add the file" button.
    • Send off the private message by pressing "Submit".
Alternative SS Tutorial (click)


Depending on which OS version and which bit version you are running, the file paths will be different:

  • For Windows 7, ss file can be found: C:\%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Warcraft III\Screenshots (64-bit) / C:\%PROGRAMFILES%\Warcraft III\Screenshots (32-bit)
  • For Windows 8, ss files can be found: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Warcraft III\Screenshots or C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\%PROGRAMFILES%\Warcraft III\Screenshots or C:\%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Warcraft III\Screenshots or C:\%PROGRAMFILES%\Warcraft III\Screenshots
    To unhide hidden files (which is the case for the AppData path, follow this guide).
How to screenshot on Macintosh:


The league is administered by EntGaming:Staff#LIHL_Moderators.