== [[File:Dota.jpg]]<h1> DotA In-House League ==</h1>=== <h2> What is DIHL? ===</h2>
=== <h2> Vouch Process ===</h2>
=== <h2> Rules ===</h2>
=== <h2> Screenshot Procedure ===</h2>
=== <h2> Note ===</h2>
=== <h2> Staff ===</h2>
ENT's DotA In-House League (DIHL) is a vouch-based DotA league for skilled players who want to play competitive in-house games with a fair set of rules.
Meeting point is the Warcraft 3 channel "Clan DIHL" or "Clan HIGH" on Azeroth/USEast, so you must have an USEast account to be able to play in DIHL. For more information, read [http://entgaming.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=181&t=63175 here].
To get vouched, please use the following [http://entgaming.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=183 format] and post it [http://entgaming.net/forum/posting.php?mode=post&f=183 here].
: The general [[EntGaming:Rules]] apply to the DIHL, unless abrogated by the specific rules below. For the forum, the general [[EntGaming:ForumRules]] are to be followed. Violating any rule can result in disciplinary actions including verbal warnings and temporary or permanent bans from DIHL games and/or ENT games.
: As a league, our standards and expectations are higher than pub games. We expect players to be strong in both gaming and mind. Therefore, all players should respect their mates and the games they share.
# A DIHL moderator pauses the game or whispers a user ingame to do so.
# Once the game is paused, do '''not''' unpause '''until''' all players successfully has shot a screenshot. Press the "[http://www.google.com/search?q=print+screen+button&num=30&safe=off&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=2A4aU-2aGNGKswamtIHACw&ved=0CCoQsAQ&biw=1746&bih=869 Print Screen]" button to take a screenshot.
Depending on which OS version and which [http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/32-bit-and-64-bit-windows#1TC=windows-7 bit version] you are running, the file paths will be different:
* For Windows 7, ss file can be found: ''C:\%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Warcraft III\Screenshots'' (64-bit) / ''C:\%PROGRAMFILES%\Warcraft III\Screenshots'' (32-bit)
The league is administered by [[EntGaming:Staff#DIHL_Moderators]].