

76 bytes added, 12:37, 18 February 2016
<h3>King Spells</h3>
The king is the heart of the game. Protect him at any cost. To do this the best you need to understand the kings spells. I will only be talking about the primary spells received after Level 4. Those are Immolation War Stomp and Shockwave. Your king has 1000 Mana and regenerates 3 Mana per second. Let's talk about one spell after the other.
* Immolation
: Immolation is the most popular spell for LegionTD players. It does not cost mana and continuously burns nearby enemies for 12 Damage per Second making it very effective for Level 7. Certainly it also has its down sides as it is not damaging Level 5, 8 or 13 creeps aswell as any other high range or flying unit. This gives teams with Immolation a huge vulnerability on those levels as it can cost many heals if you leak those levels without having a lot of king upgrades. Immolation is also known to be strong on Level 14 and 15 as it passively burns down those enemies while you can focus the ranged Attackers. The Immolation passive does have little to no impact on late game levels as the Hitpoint Counter of those units is way too high and Immolation does not scale.
<h3>King Control</h3>
Controlling the king is a mystery for itself. Everyone has other preferences so the opinions might distinguish. In this chapter I will try to explain to you how you should up your king, what units you should focus and what else you should pay attention to. Note that I will focus on the Level 7 King Upgrades and Control. Additionally I will also show you king control examples to get a better understanding. Keep in mind that you can queue up attacks with Shift so you don't need to change the target with a click every time.
* Level 5
: The first Level where the King Spell has any relevance, although early into the game, it can blow some heals already under bad circumstances. Always kill the Sends first and care for Hermits that could heal up the creeps. As mentioned in the King Spell Video, Stomp is the best ability here, 3 Stomps and all Birds are dead. In case of a leak, only up HP and Regeneration. Same Upgrades for Shockwave, Here you need 2 Waves to clear or 1 Wave and a normal Auto Attack. Immolation is kinda different. No possible damage to the Birds so you have to up the king much more to avoid multiple heals. I recommend going for 2 Attack which will make you 2Hit the Creeps and as much HP and Regeneration as possible. It's not uncommon to lose 1 or 2 heals here with a big king leak.