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* Industrial and Modern Wonders
*: * Transcontinental railroad: Very good aura, low price, get this one as soon as you can.*: * Panama Canal / General Mills / Hoover Dam: Usually it is very late in the game when you can get these wonders, and they are very expensive, unless your sides have whored income and you want the game to last an hour and a half, dont get those.*: * Rock and Roll: Good, but be sure you have enough gold to defend and hold your lanes, specially powerful if you have cathedral with bonus armor and damage.*: * Big Ben: Gold could be better spent, be careful with submarines and divebombers on the lane if you get this. Too expensive.Deactivates for 400g 8.6% ec:*: Interstate Superhighways: This wonder pretty much guarantees bottom, very good value for the tank, 50 income and a railway station (very helpful if you didnt get the transcontinental railroad) Deactivates for 200g 6.4% ec*: * Statue of Liberty: This one is very nice, the price is low and its power is VERY strong, specially when you make it cast heal manually on your most important units, like a heavy tank on bottom or a striker on top.*: * Maginot Line: Strong cheap tower, good for defending against rushes, blocking middle lane, or stealing it from enemies so they cant defend.*: * Eiffel Tower: Weak bunker with a real strong aura, makes your units a lot stronger, nice for defending and is cheaper than maginot.*: * Manhattan project: If you went -nukes mode this one is a very good one, otherwhise you cannot even build it so dont even bother with its technologies.
=== Wall on middle ===
:: The main idea behind this strategy is to give your teammates and yourself a constant market lane while sometimes swinging the side lanes of the opponent. You will build the great wall on the hill closer to the opponents capitals on the middle lane, leaving them with only 1 node.:: Why on the hill? Ranged units have a percentage chance to miss units that are on top of hills, if you set up your defence there you have quite the advantage, if you set it more forwards it would be easy to break, their units will reach faster your wall and stack easier, and if you decide to build the great wall in front of the middle node, you will be the one shooting uphill.:: Start by activating everything you have on your middle lane, it is good if you overpower your opponent, but not completely necessary. You will sneak your workers past the fight of middle, and start building your great wall on the hill. If your enemy is smart he will have rushed with his workers to his hill as soon as he saw yours, he will try to get up a tower while you are building your wall to snipe your workers, this is why you should attempt to hide them and hope for the surprise element, if you have it, there is a good chance you wont need a tower to protect your workers, otherwhise dont start building the wonder right away but add a tower first instead.:: Building the great wall costs a great deal of gold (if you build it with more workers more so, and the more damaged it gets the more it costs), so be prepared to lose your sides for quite a while, be careful with this, the enemy can try to outmarket you as he will have 6 nodes and you only 3, at least just after you finished the wall.:: Remember to build hanging gardens as soon as you can, there is nothing more frustrating than your enemy stealing them when you have them 80% completed. This is actually a great counter to your great wall, steal hanging gardens, go bazaar and hold your sides, your enemy will have less income, gold, and no materials to market harder than you. But do not let him keep the entire middle lane for longer than 20 minutes, his wall will have paid off by then.:: Another counter that works against some players is to do a delayed camp, one that goes first up to your boats and then below to middle lane, if you do it right your enemy will be holding 2 nodes instead of 3 every tick. This is really easy to counter though, so dont expect to steal 15 minutes of income with it.
=== Markets, Bank, And Opportunity costs ===