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Official Source | Download

The qlog.exe is a command line utility which basically generates a log.txt as the EntGaming:DRM does but without having the GUI.

How to use it

  1. Download the 'DotAReplay-qlog-v3.02d.zip from the official website above and unzip it.
  2. Drag the replay (must have a .w3g extension) and drop it on the qlog.exe.
  3. The program will shortly bring up a cmd.exe window (see below) which generates the log.txt (it will be in the location from where you dragged the replay).
The log.txt has exactly the same result as the one of the DotA Replay Manager.

Using qlog is useful if the DRM crashes or a replay/map does not work correctly. You can also use it in combination with the EntGaming:DRMF for which you only need to start the DRM (no replay needed, just the GUI presence) and then choose the generated log's path to filter it.

Using Qlog & DRMF for LoD

If certain replays of LoD are in the DRM replay folder, then it will most likely crash. That means you dont even get the opportunity to load the action log for that particular game. However, there is a way to get the action log and the filtered content regardless. We will use this replay (Art)y (talk) 14:03, 3 October 2014 (CEST)) as an example. Once you downloaded it, follow the steps below:

  1. Start the DRMF and enable qlog mode in the menu. If you haven't downloaded the zip, you've to manually download the qlog.exe and move it in your DRMF folder.
  2. Drag/drop the replay file on DRMF.
  3. The log.txt will be generated by the DRMF in the path where you dragged the replay from.
You will be asked to enter a specific username or something else to filter the log for since you dont have a playerlist to select a user from. You can, however, skip that.

Further Details

The steps above describe how to make a raw result log file without applying any specific filter options. As described in the program's readme, the following things are possible:

        -d --detail <detail> - detail mode; simple or full (default: simple)
        -o --output <file_name> - path to output file (default: "log.txt")
Usage:  qlog [options] <file name>
        <file name> - full or relative path to replay file

If you receive errors or have further questions, feel free to ask here.